Highlights of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
The Blackburne Creek Homeowners’ Association held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 29 November 2018 at the Ellerslie Rugby Club.
President Brian Hawrelak welcomed our members and guest speaker (Councillor Michael Walters) and introduced our Board members in attendance with their duties over the past year: Nathan Maslenko (Vice-President, dealing with Covenant issues and green spaces); Marilyn Rude, Secretary and Director of Correspondence); Drew Schofield (Treasurer and member of the Payment System Sub-Committee); David Morris (Director dealing with fence issues); and Tashfin Haq (Director dealing with accounting systems). Absent were Jay White (Director dealing with payment systems and member of the Payment System Sub-Committee); and Cameron Steenveld (Secretary and Director of Membership and member of Payment Systems Sub-Committee). Mr. Hawrelak is President who also deals with Covenant issues and is ex-officio member of all committees.
Mr. Hawrelak presented an overview of HOA activities over the past year, our Treasurer presented the financial report to the members in attendance, and a report was heard from the Blackburne Creek Playground Committee chair Christine Maslanko. Councillor Walters addressed the members as to City of Edmonton issues and fielded questions from our members on various issues.
Overall, the HOA is in excellent financial condition, meeting its budgetary goals consistently year after year. The HOA is anticipating resolution of the lawsuit against three of its members with a trial scheduled for this spring.
A slate of nominees for Board of Directors for the 2019-20 year was comprised of our 2018-19 Board members with no new nominations. The slate was elected by acclamation.
Please check back on this website for an upcoming series of educational articles on the role and function of your HOA.