New Board Elected
A new Board of Directors for the Blackburne Creek Homeowners' Association was elected at its formation meeting on December 1.
The new association President is Grant Ainsley, who served as Vice President last year. New Board member Glenn Thamer was elected as Vice President. Drew Schofield returns as Treasurer and Len Hawreliak remains as association's Secretary. Guy Luke also returns to the Board as Community Liaison. Leaving the Board is former President Kathleen Edwards and Advisor Alec Benning. Current Board members would like to thank Kathleen and Alec for their years of service on the Board and for the community.
The Board also approved a new policy on the collection of membership fees. The revised policy essentially means that the association will turn over unpaid collection cases to our attorney earlier than in the past. The Board felt that while the number of people who don't pay their annual fees is fairly small, it's very unfair to allow people to have two years to pay their fees before hearing from a lawyer.
Unpaid fees can result in residents being forced to make large payments, because not only would they still have to pay the fees and interest, they also would have to cover legal costs.
To download a copy of the new policy, please click here.