Blackburne Creek Playground Committee Started!
The June 5, 2017 Blackburne Creek Playground community meeting was declared a success as 19 residents joined the discussion about the future of our neighborhood park.
Mary Jean Chapelsky, Community Recreation Coordinator, from the City of Edmonton provided an informative presentation about the next steps and costs involved in redeveloping our playground. Rob Powell, President of the Blackmud Creek Community League, and Brian Hawrelak, President of the Blackburne Creek Homeowners Association both spoke in support of rebuilding the playground and provided information about the roles of each association.
12 residents of Blackburne Creek have signed up to be part of a formal playground committee. The playground committee plans to meet at the end of June to assign roles, define terms of reference, and begin developing a survey. The next step in redesigning our playground is sending a survey to all residents within the Blackburne Creek neighborhood to gather information about community needs and wants. Stay tuned for the survey!
For additional updates:
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