2019 Annual General Meeting Report
The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the association was held on December 2 at the Ellerslie Rugby Club, with over 100 people in attendance.
President Brian Hawrelak kicked off the meeting by providing the President’s Report to the membership. He touched on several issues the homeowner’s association (HOA) was involved with during the year, but focused on the role and functions of the HOA with a brief description of the roofing issue case that was decided by the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench this summer. Hawrelak reported, in August the court ruled in favour of the HOA’s request for a mandatory injunction, which will require the three homeowners in the area to remove the rubber roofing material they installed in 2013 and replace it with wood shakes or shingles.
Members had questions about the restrictive covenant and whether it could be changed to allow for other roofing materials to be used. Hawrelak reported, the Board had received two legal opinions in the past that confirmed it would be extremely difficult to change the covenant and the recent court ruling will make it even more difficult, so he encouraged everyone to follow the terms specified in the covenant and said if anyone has questions they should contact the association.
Board member Drew Schofield provided the Treasurer’s Report. He said the HOA’s financial records were reviewed by Koshman & Schaaf and the association’s books will show a loss of about $68,000 on the year. Both Schofield and a representative of the accounting firm said the loss was because of the contribution the association made to the new playground and for legal costs resulting from the roofing court case, with a yet to be specified amount to be refunded to the HOA. They reported the expenses were anticipated and in previous years, funds had been raised to cover these large expenses. Hawrelak said the association is still in a good financial position., with no budgetary shortfalls anticipated.
The membership elected a new Board of Directors for the coming year. Members of the previous Board all let their names stand for re-election. and were nominated from the floor. They include Hawrelak, Schofield, Nathan Maslanko, Jay White, Marilyn Rude, Cameron Steenveld, Guy Luke and Tashfin Haque. Derek Crowley was also nominated from the floor and he was added to the Board. Commonly held parliamentary procedural rules hold that all nine were elected by acclamation.
President Hawrelak thanked everyone for attending and wished them all a happy holiday season.