Our board of directors has voted unanimously to allow ALL residents; encumbered and non-encumbered alike access to the Members' Portal in order to keep current with the events and decisions within our community. While non-encumbered home owners are not required to be part of the HOA or pay yearly dues, we understand that the actions and decisions made within the HOA impact you and our community as a whole.
Please follow the directions provided in the Tip Sheet for Accessing Members Portal. As we do not have the names of registered owners for non-encumbered homes, to confirm your residency, you may be asked to show (or send an emailed picture) of a piece of mail that includes your name and address or other form of identification.
For those non-encumbered owners who would be interested in donating towards the operating expenses of the HOA, we would welcome your donation. While the HOA exists primarily to 'enforce' the restrictive covenant, our board believes strongly in community and will be continuing to work together with our neighbours for the betterment of our neighborhood and to foster community among the residents.
Our HOA has historically contributed to the neighbourhood through paying for additional landscaping, electricity for our signs, and through community events as funds allow. Our current board is hoping to continue with these efforts and build community connections through events and through working groups. If you are a non-encumbered resident and would like to donate towards the HOA to fund these types of activities, we would welcome your donation. Please note we are not a registered charity and a tax receipt can not be provided for this. If you would like to donate please e-transfer us at hoafee@blackburnecreek.com with a comment indicating you are making a donation as a non-encumbered home owner. Alternatively, if you would prefer to donate by cheque, these can be sent to:
Blackburne Creek Homeowner's Association
PO Box 66140
Edmonton RPO Heritage
Edmonton, AB T6J 6T4
Please reach out by email if you have any questions or need support accessing the Members portal at info@blackburnecreek.com